• Switching to / from Tiles format

    • Switching formats is still done under Course Administration > Edit Settings > Format.

      • Switching to or from Tiles format, still does not require changes to course content or structure, provided that the other format follows the standard Moodle course structure (e.g. “Topics”). “Tiles” follows the standard structure, so will work with others that do.
      • Switching out of Tiles format means that tile photos and icon choices for that course are deleted (so backup the course first if you want to keep them).
      • Grid format courses can now also be switched in to Tiles format easily. On switching, all photos in “Grid” format for that course will be copied into “Tiles” and applied to the course. The teacher will be able to deal with the course as a normal “Tiles” course, or switch it back to Grid if required. (Switching back to Grid is also easy.  The original photos you had in Grid, before you switched to Tiles, will be used).